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How to Change Alexa Voice

How to Change Alexa Voice

Learn how to change Alexa’s voice so your Echo fits your family needs.

Change Alexa’s Language or Accent

Do you want to hear Alexa talk with a British, Australian or Indian accent? 

Do you want Alexa to speak in French, Spanish, Italian or another language?

In a few simple steps, you can change the language or accent on your Alexa device. New accents and languages are constantly being added as options on your Echo devices.

If your household is multilingual, then choose a setting such as English / Espanol and Alexa will reply using the correct language. This is also useful for learning a new language.

How to Change Alexa’s Voice

You can change Alexa’s voice on your Echo device in 3 simple steps:

Step 1 – Open the Alexa App and Select Devices

Open the Alexa app and select “Devices” in the bottom right corner.

Select Alexa Smart Home Device
Select Devices

Step 2 – Select Echo & Alexa and Choose Your Device

Tap the “Echo & Alexa” tap in the top left corner of your screen. This will give you a list of Alexa devices on your account. Select the device you want to change.

Select Echo and Alexa
Select Echo & Alexa menu
Choose Alexa Device to Reset
Choose Echo Device from List

Step 3 – Select Language in the Alexa Menu Options

Scroll to the bottom of the settings until you see “Language”. Tap the “Language” settings and then you will have a list of languages and accents to choose from. 

After you make a language or accent selection, your Echo device will download the new language. Now Alexa has a brand new voice!

How to Change Alexa Voice Language
Select Alexa language in menu
How to Change Alexas Voice Language List
Choose Alexa language or accent

Alexa Voice FAQs

Can I change Alexa’s voice to a man?

No. Currently, you can’t change Alexa to a man’s voice. You can only change the language or accent of Alexa.

Can Alexa speak multilingual?

Yes. You can change the Alexa language settings to have Alexa speak in two languages depending on the language used to ask a question. For example, select English / Espanol in the settings.

Can Alexa sound like a celebrity?

There are apps available that allow your Echo device to respond with a celebrity voice like Samual Jackson or Jarvis. However, the responses are limited and you have to trigger the app by saying something like “Alexa, ask Samual Jackson what time is it?”.

Other Alexa Guides

Check out these guides to make Alexa even better.

  1. How to Change Alexa’s Name – Change the Wake Word on your device.
  2. Create a Custom Alexa Voice Command – Create any voice command you want and have Alexa do a set of actions based on your command.
  3. Alexa Turn on the Lights – Simply say “Turn on the Lights” and Alexa will just turn on the lights in your room.
  4. Why is Alexa Flashing Yellow? – You have a notification. Learn about the different types of notifications and how to turn them off.

P.S. Please leave a comment below to ask a question, help someone else or share your experiences. Thanks!

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