Build a Smart Home that Works!

Products. Integration. Automation.

Amazon Alexa

Your smart home assistant and controller.

Product Reviews: Core Devices for Your Smart Home

What Smart Home Products will You Actually Use?

Jason - Smart Home Focus Blog

There are a lot of products out there, but you need to buy the right ones and integrate them together in the right way to truly get the benefits of a smart home. 

If done correctly, your home can become a smart home that is enjoyed by you, your family and visitors. If done poorly, it will create frustration for everyone and you will hear things such as:  turn that off, I just want to use the switch, or can I just do it the old way.  

On this site, you will find discussions and guides on the products, integrations and automation that I have used to build a functioning, usable smart home that works!


Guides, Integration and Automation Projects